HiPIE lab test environment - High Performance Indoor Environment

Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate

HiPIE lab with the DressMAN comfort measurement system.
© Fraunhofer IBP
Performing measurements in the HiPIE lab with the DressMAN comfort measurement system.

The High Performance Indoor Environment (HiPIE) lab is a building physics simulation environment that allows our scientists to explore interactions between humans and the physical environment, as well as to conduct measurements, evaluations and technical developments in the field of thermal comfort.

Advantages & Benefits

  • Test equipment on a 1:1 scale
  • Real climate conditions and realistic usage scenarios

Adjustable building physics parameters

  • Ambient temperature
  • Thermal radiation
  • Relative humidity
  • Airflow

Technical specifications

L x W x H [m] 8.2 x 7.6 x 3.1 m
Floor space 62 m²
Volume 193 m³
Temperature range 5 to 40 °C

More information


High Performance Indoor Environment Lab Stuttgart

Indoor lab for holistic impact research